"After our youngest son had seen Star Wars for the twelfth or thirteenth time, I said, "Why do you go so often?" He said, "For the same reason you have been reading the Old Testament all of your life." He was in a new world of myth." Bill Moyers, interview with Joseph Campbell

























































































































Prabuddha Bharata  





      or "Awakened India"




     The Official Journal of the Ramakrishna Order

     Started by Swami Vivekananda in 1896


     Swami Vivekananda fell on the world like a sword blade after his success in the Parliament of Religion in 1893. He naturally wanted an organization whose work would be at the vanguard of the spiritual wave he had raised. Thus came into being the Ramakrishna Movement. His fiery lectures abroad and his epistles to his acquaintances, inspired people everywhere. In Chennai his admirers started a journal Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India, this in a short time would become the voice of this new organization, "to bring millions sunk in darkness, to the light of the Lord." In July 1896 the first issue of the journal rolled off the press and this it has been doing uninterruptedly every month for the last 106 years.

     Throughout Prabuddha Bharata's journey, lack of funds was compensated by an abundance of noble motivation and love for Swamiji. After two years its editor Rajam Iyer passed away suddenly. Swami, then in Almora, resting after his nation awakening tour from Colombo, asked his English disciples, Captain Sevier and his wife to revive the journal. The Captain had a press, type and ink transported from Kolkata. The journal which had missed a number, now was brought out from Thompson house in Almora town, with Swamiji's disciple, Swami Swarupananda as editor.

     Captain Sevier was in the meanwhile, at the behest of Swamiji, looking for an ideal place, deep in the Himalayas for the Advaita Ashrama. He finally found one in Mayavati in the district of Champawat, 6,400 feet above sea level. The journal with the press followed quickly. This was march 1899. Prabuddha Bharata continued to be regularly published, thanks to the monks and a few local people. It is staggering to imagine them faithfully working in stringent financial conditions, cold, rain, compounded with shortage of paper, ink etc., and carrying materials on horseback from a long distance then despatching the journal at the equally distant post office.

     In 1914 a separate building was erected nearby exclusively for the journal and the press. As printing technology was improving, it was felt wise to shift the printing to a modern city, which would also help in timely despatch. Thus in 1923 the printing was done in Kolkata, while the editorial section stayed back. Manuscripts were unfailingly sent, despite wars, natural calamities, strikes, etc. This practice has remained unchanged till the present.

     The greatest role Prabuddha Bharata played was that of publishing the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda and Vedanta literature. Bit by little bit, a vast body of excellent spiritual literature came into being brought out tirelessly by sannyasins of sterling qualities. This literature is now published by Advaita Ashrama, which acts like a beacon light for millions of people the world over. The journal was also a recorder of sorts of the renaissance of Indian monasticism and religion that was now playing an active role in society.

     While scientific thoughts were smashing superstitions and religious beliefs amazingly, Vedanta philosophy was getting more resurgent by finding newer grounds for its expressions. Prabuddha Bharata brought out the common ground between philosophy and science. This was a direct boon to scores of philosophers, scholars and religious people all over the world. This also opened the door to the study of comparative religions making fanaticism less pronounced.

     Till now Prabuddha Bharata is just in the initial stage of unfolding itself, for as long as mankind seeks truth, this journal will fulfil the purpose it was meant for. For it derives its sustenance from the infinite world of consciousness, wherein is the source of all blessedness and peace.


     Overcoming Obstacles in Spiritual Life - Part I Swami Yatiswarananda Vedanta in the West January-February 1959

     Sri Ramakrishna - The Spiritual Ideal for the Age Swami Bhuteshananda (Vol. 100, November 1995)      

     Adoration According to Patanjali Swami Satyamayananda (January 2001)

     We, God and the Universe Editorial (July 2003)

     The Appeal of the Upanishads Today Swami Atmapriyananda (July 2003)

     Self-expression or self-control? Swami Adiswarananda (July 2003)

     Swami Vivekananda's Passing Away: A New Finding Chandrashekhar Chattopadhyay (July 2003)

     They lived with God: Bhavanath Chattopadhyay Swami Chetananda (September 2003)

     Sacrifice as a Spiritual Discipline Editorial (September 2003)

     The Need for God Editorial (October 2003)

     From Fear to Fearlessness Editorial (April 2004)

     Aspects of Holy Mother Swami Sunirmalananda (April 2004)

     An Anatomy of Desires Editorial (May 2004)

     Sri Ramakrishna's Impact on Contemporary Indian Society Dr. Jayasree Mukherjee

     Towards Desirelessness Editorial (June 2004)

     Sri Ramakrishna - The Greatest of Avataras Swami Bhuteshananda (June 2004)

     Aesthetics in Swami Vivekananda's Speeches and Writings C.S.Ramakrishnan (June 2004)

     Sanskrit Studies and Comparative PhilologySwami Tathagatananda (June 2004)

     Uprighteness Editorial (July 2004)

      A Survey of the Mind Swami Satyaswarupananda (July 2004)

      Sanskrit Studies and Comparative Philology Swami Tathagatananda (July 2004)

     Journey of the Upanishads to the West Review Article (July 2004)

     Glimpses of Holy Lives "May the Guest Be Your God!" (July 2004)

     Solitude Editorial (August 2004)

     Sri Ramakrishna: the Significance of His Advent Swami Sandarshanananda (August 2004)

     Ramakrishna Vedanta in the West: New Interfaces and Challenges Dr. Sivaramkrishna (August 2004)

     They All Came Sudesh (August 2004)

     A Survey of the Mind Swami Satyaswarupananda (August 2004)

     Essentials for Effectivity Editorial (September 2004)

     Ramakrishna Vedanta in the West: New Interfaces and Challenges Dr. Sivaramkrishna (September 2004)

     A Survey of the Mind Swami Satyaswarupananda (September 2004)

     Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi: Her Glory and Divinity Dr. Umesh Gulati (September 2004)

     Glimpses of Holy Lifes "Whatever God Does Is for Our Own Good" (September 2004)

     A Special Event in New York City (September 2004)

     Turning over a New Leaf Swami Yuktatmananda (October 2004)

     Reflections on Knowledge Swami Nityasthananda

     The Inspiration That Was Swami Vivekananda Swami Swahananda (October 2004)

     Motherhood of God Swami Tathagatananda (October 2004)

     The Power of Faith Pravrajika Sevaprana (October 2004)

     Fortitude Swami Yuktatmananda Editorial (November 2004)

     Shakti Worship and Sri Ramakrishna Swami Prabhananda (November 2004)

     Communication in the Light of Indian Wisdom Sri Prakash Lohia (November 2004)

     Let Ramakrishna Dance His Rapturous Dance Swami Atmapriyananda (November 2004)

     Faith, Priviledge and Spirituality Dr. C.S. Shah (November 2004)

     Swami Vivekananda on Impulsion and Restraint (November 2004)

     Glimpses of Holy Lifes "Never Does My Devotee Perish" (November 2004)

     Sri Sarada Devi: Essence of the Infinite Swami Satyamayananda (November 2004)

     Sri Sarada Devi: The Universal Mother Swami Sarvagatananda (December 2004)

     Before You Visit a Hindu Temple Rada Krishna (December 2004)

     Transcending All "Isms Dr. Lekshmi (December 2004)

     Awakening India Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (Jan. 2005)

     Where the Heart Is Swami Satyaswarupananda Editorial (Jan. 2005)

     A Brief Introduction to India's Sacred Oral Tradition Swami Tathagatananda (Jan. 2005)

     A Wonder Triangle N. Hariharan (Jan. 2005)

     India's Rejuvenation: Swami Vivekananda's vision Swami Atmapriyananda (Jan. 2005)

     Swami Vivekananda's First Hosts in Bombay Swami Shuddharupananda (Jan. 2005)

      Towards Enlightened Citizenship Swami Satyamayananda (Jan. 2005)

     Towards a Castless India Swami Satyaswarupananda (Feb. 2005)

     Sri Ramakrishna and the Caste System Dr. Krishna Verma (Feb. 2005)

     Bioethics for Science and Technology: A Hindu Perspective Swami Jitatmananda (Feb. 2005)

     Glimpses of Holy Lifes "Sadhu Mathuradas" (Feb. 2005)

     A Christian Looks at the Life of Vivekananda Dr. S. Sunder Das (Feb. 2005)

     Bioethics and Cloning Editorial Swami Satyaswarupananda (March 2005)

     Bioethics for Science and Technology: a Hindu Perspective Swami Jitatmananda (March 2005)

     Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi's 150th Birth Anniversary Celebrations (March 2005)

     Glimpses of Holy Lifes "Sadhu Mathuradas" (March 2005)

     Paving the Path for Dhyana Swami Satyamayananda (March 2005)

     Vedanta in Practice Swami Gambhirananda (March 2005)

     Practical Idealism Editorial Swami Satyaswarupananda (April 2005)

     Discourse and Pragmatism: A Gandhian Perspective Dr. Sumita Roy (April 2005)

     Glimpses of Holy Lifes "Sadhu Mathurdas" (April 2005)

     Individual Being and the Universal Being Swami Pitambarananda (April 2005)

     Vedanta in Practice Swami Gambhirananda (April 2005)

     Science in Religion Dr. Saibal Gupta (April 2005)

     Contemplative Dialog Editorial (May 2005)

     Role of Meditation in Hindu-Christian Dialogue Prof. Arvind Sharma (May 2005)

     Benedictory Address Swami Ranganathananda (May 2005)

     Swami Kalyandev: A Lamp that Swamiji Lighted Swami Videhatmananda (May 2005)

     Life and Teachings of Buddha: Some Gleanings Dr. Satish K.Kapoor (May 2005)

     Meditation according to Hinduism Swami Nityasthananda (May 2005)

     The Concept of God in the Vedas Swami Tattwamayananda (May 2005)

     The Language of Religion Swami Satyaswarupananda (June 2006)

      Mahasamadhi of Srimat Swami Ranganathanadaji Maharaj (June 2006)

     Pushpanjali to Sri Sarada Devi Pravrajika Shraddhaprana (June 2006)

     The Concept of God in the Vedas Swami Tattwamayananda (June 2006)

     Western Philosophic View of Religious Language Dr. Lekshmi Ramakrishnaiyer (June 2006)

     Indian Philosophic Prose in English Dr. Sumita Roy (June 2006)

     The Prose Style of Swami Vivekananda Prof U.S.Rukhaiyar (June 2006)

     Blake's Truth Prof. Asoke Basu (June 2006)

     Glimpses of Holy Lifes "The Sadhu of Rishikesh" (June 2006)

     New President of the Ramakrishna Math & Mission (July 2005)

     Hindu Woman as Life Partner Dr. Usha Kapoor (July 2005)

     Sri Sarada Devi: The Power of Love and Compassion Dr. Sreemati Mukherjee (July 2005)

     Steps to Woman's Empowerment Swami Shashankananda (July 2005)

     The Prose Style of Swami Vivekananda Prof. Rukhaiyar (July 2005)

     A New York Times Report on Swamiji (July 2005)

     Glimpses of Holy Lifes (July 2005)

     History Writing and Nationalism Editorial Swami Satyaswarupananda (August 2005)

     "Bande Mataram": In Historical Perspective Dr. Satish K. Kapoor (August 2005)

     Bankimchandra: Development of Nationalism and Indian Identity Dr. Anil Baran Ray (August 2005)

     The Leaf and the Leaping Fire N. Hariharan (August 2005)

     Glimpses of Holy Lives "Vidyaranya: The Forest of Wisdom" (August 2005)

     Traditional Wisdom "Shiksha: Learning" (September 2005)

     Education: Cognitive Objects and Vedanta Swami Tadananda (September 2005)

     Learning: A Lifelong Process Dr. N.V.C. Swamy (September 2005)

     Inclusive Education Dr. M.N.G. Mani (September 2005)

     Traditional Wisdom (October 2005)

     The Fact and Mystery of Evil Dr. Radharani P. (October 2005)

     Deliverance from Evil Swami Satyamayananda (October 2005)

     Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute A Concept Paper (October 2005)

     The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna according to Suresh Chandra Datta Swami Chetananda (October 2005)

     Glimpses of Holy Lifes Sadhu Kishandas (October 2005)

     The Ways of the Illumined Swami Satprakashananda (November 2005)

     Was Swami Vivekananda a Prophet? Swami Sunirmalananda (November 2005)

     Beyond Illusions Swami Satyamayananda (November 2005)

     The Instrument for Realizing God Swami Purnananda (November 2005)

     The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna according to Ram Chandra Datta Swami Chetananda (November 2005)

     Glimpses of Holy Lifes Sadhu Kishandas (November 2005)

     The Meaning of Tirtha Editorial Swami Satyaswarupananda (August 2006)

     Tirtha and Its Significance Swami Purnananda (August 2006)

     Science and Spirituality: Where Do They Meet? Editorial (December 2006)

     On Mind, Brain, and Computers Swami Sarvottamananda (December 2006)

     The Master As I Saw Him Sister Nivedita (December 2006)

     Consciousness Revisited Dr. Lekshmi Ramakrishnaiyer (December 2006)

     The Brain of a Poet (December 2006)

     Fallacy of Perception Dr. Rebanta Bandyopadhyay (December 2006)

     Vidya and Avidya Swami Vipashananda (December 2006)

     The Contemplative Mood Editorial (Jan. 2007)

     A Visit to the Belur Math: January 1907 PB 100 years ago (Jan. 2007)

     The Contemplative Life Swami Atmasthananda (Jan. 2007)

     Contemplation in an Active World Swami Smaranananda (Jan. 2007)

     The Contemplative Tradition in the Ramakrishna Order Swami Prabhananda (Jan. 2007)

     Remembering Swami Vivekananda - I Editorial (February 2007)

     The Road to Wisdom Swami Vivekananda on His Work (Jan. 2009)     

     TRADITIONAL WIISDOM (Jan. 2009)    

     Divine Artist Editorial (Oct. 2010) 

     Music: A Direct Means to the Highest (Oct. 2010)

     Indian Classical Dance and Spirituality Shruba Mukhopadhyay (Oct. 2010)

      Editorial : Passing Through Thresholds (July 2013)

     Philosophy as Sadhana Dr Ravindra K S Choudhary (July 2013)

     J. D. Salinger and Vedanta  Kenneth Slawenski (July 2013)

     Women and Rites of Marriage Rhyddhi Chakraborty (July 2013)

     India's Contribution to the World Brahmachari Suvimalachaitanya (July 2013)

     The Divine Feminine Editorial December 2016






International Yoga Day 21 June 2015
International Yoga Day 21 June 2015






























































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